Vision Dreamer - Vision boarding & manifestation
Manifest your future goals and dreams for 2024 (+beyond) by collaging a vision board! We will provide a variety of magazines from the design, travel, art and fashion world for you to clip your dreams from. Together, will create vision boards using the law of attraction - placing a strong emphasis on self-reflection, self-care, and nurturing personal growth in a safe space, enabling you to establish and work towards your future goals and aspirations in a positive environment! *The incorporation of a guided meditation session offers participants a moment of tranquility and mindfulness. Providing a peaceful retreat, allowing attendees to clear their minds, reduce stress, and enhance their overall well-being. By embracing meditation, the event becomes a holistic experience, harmonizing the creative journey with inner serenity, resulting in a balanced and fulfilling event for all. The workshop takes 2.5 hours: - 30 mins: The theory behind manifestation & the law of attraction - 15 mins: Guided meditation to get ourselves in the manifesting mood - 75 mins: Set your intentions, Clip, plan and collage your dreams - 30 mins: Concolusions, group sharing & manifest out loud This workshop can be done on a large table or on the floor - let us know what your desired vibe is. We can host you in Porta Genova or come to your office/home. Leave inspired, connected, and with a clear vision for your future.
- Ceramica
- Cibo
- Pittura
- Natura
- Altro
- Fotografia
- Ricamo
La tua città
- Milano
Dove puo' avvenire questa esperienza?
- Dall'artista (es. nel mio studio di ceramica, nella mia fioreria)
- Dal cliente (es. nel loro ufficio, a casa, alla loro festa)
In che lingua può essere l'esperienza?
- English
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Vision Dreamer - Vision boarding & manifestation
Vision Dreamer - Vision boarding & manifestation
65,00 €